An important new documentary on a WWII internment camp for Japanese-Americans was produced by Cristin Norine of North Shore Productions, a friend of Oregon Focus. A special screening at fundraiser will be at the Hollywood Theatre in Portland on Sunday. I’ll see you there!
From Cristin: “We have a screening coming up of a 30-minute film we produced for the National Park Service, Minidoka: An American Concentration Camp. The screening is Sunday, December 8th starting at 5:30 pm at the Hollywood Theatre.
Our film tells the story of the unconstitutional incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII, through the voices of survivors of the experience. It’s a Northwest story, featuring residents of Portland and Seattle, who were forcibly removed from their homes and shipped to a concentration camp in Idaho without charge or trial; the film also examines the significance of this story for our current times. The screening is a fundraiser for a longer documentary we are producing, and will include a scene from the forthcoming longer film, and a Q&A with survivors of the camps. “
You can find out more information about the independent documentary and the educational project on the website here: www.minidokafilm.com
And you can join me in purchasing tickets here: https://hollywoodtheatre.org/booking/tickets/1-645615/