On Sunday, March 11, ASMP of Oregon will host a brunch-time panel of great local photographers who happen to be female.
The Oregonian’s Beth Nakamura will moderate the discussion with Holly Andres, Gia Goodrich and Leah Nash, and Nakamura talked to me about why she’s excited about the discussion.
“I think the time is right,” she said, “because we’re in the midst of a cultural moment in terms of women using their voices and speaking up about things that are otherwise unseen and unheard, and giving voice to issues that tend to be muted given the dominance of the male experience in a profession that has been, for so long, dominated by a more masculine point of view.”
For Nakamura, Andres, Goodrich and Nash nicely represent different roads into photography careers, with perspectives and strong work all along the spectrum of documentary, editorial, lifestyle, fashion and art.
“We’ll hit a lot of talking points: the ‘me too’ issue, the idea of advocating for yourself, strengthening your voice, things that are important in the career but that can run counter to socialization and sort of gender cues and the training we receive around that.”
Nakamura was careful to explain that all are welcome to the discussion, regardless of gender, and that she hopes everyone will find it valuable.
“I’ve been helped by a lot of wonderful men in my career, that much is true. But I’ve hungered for more female guides through it all… My personal hope is that we will reach younger women who feel perhaps out of step, or uncertain of it all. And we’ll give her stronger footing.”
“I think if you’re a guy and you attend, you’ll come away with a better sense of what it means to be female in this context, the challenges, the advantages, just how it’s all experienced through a, let’s say, a female lens… I’m encouraging men to go so they can gain insight and understanding. I want to strengthen women. But I also want to bridge understanding between and among us. That’s my goal.”
To enliven the conversation, for attendees there will be champagne and a light brunch. The event is Sunday, March 11, from 11:00AM to 2:00PM at Elephants on Corbett, 5221 SW Corbett Ave. in Portland. $35 for ASMP members, $45 for non-members.